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Article on Maryland TMV research named 'Highlight of 2017' by the journal Nanotechnology

Article on Maryland TMV research named 'Highlight of 2017' by the journal Nanotechnology

From the article: schematics of the genetically modified TMV1cys bionanoscaffold nanorod, and the enlarged view of its CP structures.
From the article: schematics of the genetically modified TMV1cys bionanoscaffold nanorod, and the enlarged view of its CP structures.

A 2017 article in Nanotechnology by a group of University of Maryland researchers has been named a Highlight of 2017 by the journal. It has been included in a special collection showcasing the journal’s best publications from 2017 across all its sections. The article and all others in the collection are free to read for the calendar year 2018.

Biofabrication of Tobacco mosaic virus-nanoscaffolded supercapacitors via temporal capillary microfluidics was written by alumnus Faheng Zang (EE Ph.D. 2016), ECE Ph.D. student Sangwook Chu, alumnus and former ISR postdoctoral researcher Konstantinos Gerasopoulos (EE Ph.D. 2011), Professor James Culver (IBBR/PSLA) and Professor Reza Ghodssi (ECE/ISR). Both Zang and Gerasopoulos were students of Dr. Ghodssi. Zang is now a postdoctoral research associate at Princeton University and Gerasopoulos is a MEMS/Materials Scientist at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory.

The paper presents the implementation of temporal capillary microfluidic patterns and biological nanoscaffolds in autonomous microfabrication of nanostructured symmetric electrochemical supercapacitors, and was originally published in the June 6, 2017 issue of Nanotechnology.

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February 5, 2018

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