News Story Return to Newsroom Hadar Ben-Yoav accepts tenure-track position at Ben-Gurion University Hadar Ben-Yoav accepts tenure-track position at Ben-Gurion University Former ISR Postdoctoral Researcher Hadar Ben-Yoav has accepted a tenure-track position as an Assistant Professor (Senior Lecturer) in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel. He will be working on bio-microelectronic devices such as biosensors and lab-on-a-chip devices for medical applications such as personalized health monitoring. At Maryland, Ben-Yoav worked with ISR Director Reza Ghodssi (ECE/ISR) in his MEMS Sensors and Actuators Laboratory (MSAL). His work at MSAL focused on developing analytical microsystems for neuropsychiatric disorders (the MiND project) in collaboration with Professor Gregory F. Payne (BioE) and Professor Deanna L. Kelly from the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore. She is also the director of the Treatment Research Program at the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center (MPRC). The work was funded by the Robert W. Deutsch Foundation, the Maryland Innovation Initiative (MII) at TEDCO, and the National Institutes of Health. | Read an interesting article about this work on the Robert W. Deutsch Foundation website | September 18, 2015 Prev Next Current Headlines Ghodssi gives distinguished lecture on devices for gastrointestinal health at EPFL in Switzerland NSF grant for Ghodssi, Bentley furthers research of flexible devices to combat biofilms These are tiny robots. And they are awesome. Prof. Sang Bok Lee appointed director of Maryland NanoCenter Best paper award for Bergbreiter, St. Pierre, Gosrich at Hilton Head workshop Book edited by Ghodssi, Lin in top 25 percent of most downloaded Springer eBooks Why a robot can't yet outjump a flea Schizophrenia drug monitoring device research featured on IEEE Sensors Letters cover News Resources Return to Newsroom Search News Archived News Events Resources Events Calendar